Laser Epilation

Things to Do in Preparation For Epilation Laser

Things to Do in Preparation For Epilation Laser
Written by sunny

There are many things to do in preparation for epilation laser. You should shave the day before the treatment and apply a topical anesthetic. Avoid tanning and strenuous exercise after the treatment. Your doctor will also tell you what type of shoes you should wear before the procedure. In most cases, you will be able to return to work or school immediately after your treatment. After your appointment, you should avoid sun exposure for at least a few days.

Shaving the day before treatment

Many people have trouble shaving the day before an epilation laser treatment. This is because shaving can leave the skin dry and itchy. It also prevents the skin from replenishing its oil content. If you shave the day before a laser hair removal session, the skin may experience an itchy reaction that takes several days to heal. You may want to consider shaving with a good shaving foam to prevent dry skin from ruining the procedure.

In addition to preventing irritation and abrasion, shaving the day before a laser hair removal treatment allows the hair follicle to be in its active growing stage, making it the perfect candidate for targeting by the laser. Shaving removes longer hairs, while leaving the root intact. Since the laser targets the hair root, this technique makes the procedure easier and more effective. Before undergoing your epilation laser treatment, make sure you shave the area thoroughly.

Things to Do in Preparation For Epilation Laser

Things to Do in Preparation For Epilation Laser

Applying topical anesthetic

The use of topical anesthetics before cosmetic procedures such as epilation laser hair removal is not regulated by the FDA. Patients may accidentally apply large amounts to irritated, broken, or red skin before the procedure. Such patients may end up with high levels of topical anesthetic in their blood. This may have life-threatening consequences. Topical anesthetics are drugs that numb the skin.

In order to minimize the risk of discomfort, doctors recommend applying a topical anesthetic to the area to be treated. Numb Master Topical Anesthetic Lidocaine Cream is doctor-recommended and works almost like magic. The pain experienced during laser tattoo removal is similar to the snapping of a rubber band. Fortunately, most patients do not need to apply numbing cream before epilation laser.

Avoiding tanning

Before opting for epilation laser treatment, you should avoid tanning. It is essential to avoid tanning for several reasons, including skin damage, hyperpigmentation and scarring. Besides, it can disrupt the laser’s effectiveness. Avoid tanning for at least two weeks prior to your treatment. To get the best results, start laser treatments two or three months before the season when you can enjoy the sun.

The skin must be clean and free of any kind of artificial tanning products for at least five days before the appointment. You should also avoid the sun, sunless tanning products, and plucking or waxing for at least 6 weeks before the treatment. After this period, you can go ahead with your appointment. You should plan your appointment during a season with less sun exposure. The temperature of your skin is also essential.

Things to Do in Preparation For Epilation Laser

Things to Do in Preparation For Epilation Laser

Avoiding strenuous exercise after treatment

One of the most important rules to follow after having a laser hair removal treatment is not to engage in strenuous exercise for at least two days. Although intense exercises can be helpful to reduce swelling, they can also cause irritation to the treated area. Also, vigorous exercise can cause bruising and swelling. The Mayo Clinic recommends against strenuous exercise after epilation laser treatment, as it can irritate the skin. Patients who undergo this type of treatment should also avoid swimming for at least 48 hours. Patients can still do moderate exercise at home, but they should avoid exposing themselves to impurities or chemicals in water for at least two days.

One of the most common mistakes after an epilation laser treatment is doing strenuous exercise right after the procedure. Aside from the discomfort, you could potentially overheat your skin, which limits the beneficial effects of the treatment. The same goes for sports or heavy lifting. Aside from making the skin overheat, it can also cause the hair follicles to become sensitive. Moreover, it can also lead to a slower healing process if the person is sweating profusely. After epilation laser treatment, you should avoid sunlight and other activities that can cause excessive sweating and irritation.

Avoiding excessive heat after treatment

If you have a full face laser treatment scheduled, you should be sure to remove your makeup 24 hours before the procedure. The heat from the laser will stay on your skin for 24 hours, causing bacteria to multiply on your skin. Therefore, you should avoid the sun for at least two weeks after your treatment. However, if you plan to visit a hot tub or tanning bed right after your laser hair removal, you should be sure to apply SPF every time you go outside.

During the 24-hour cooling period after your laser hair removal, you should avoid any type of exercise. Walking and taking a bath is okay, but you should avoid any activity that causes you to sweat heavily. After your treatment, you should wear loose, cotton clothing and avoid tights or skin bleaching creams. Wear only mineral makeup and a gentle cleanser. It’s also best to avoid using any topical products that might make you sweat excessively. And as for the next 24 hours, don’t wear any perfume or deodorant, as well as sunscreen.


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