Laser Epilation

Types of Apparel Pour Epilation Laser

Types of Apparel Pour Epilation Laser
Written by sunny

Types of Apparel Pour Epilation Laser

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of your unwanted facial hair, you can choose from several Types of Apparel Pour Epilation Laser. From IPL to Ruby epilation laser, you can learn about both types in this article. This article will also explain the differences between these two types of epilators. Whether you decide to try a laser epilation or an IPL treatment, you should be sure to do some research before you purchase an epilation laser device.

appareils d’epilation au laser

Types of Apparel Pour Epilation Laser

Types of Apparel Pour Epilation Laser

The epilation au laser is the process of exposing a hair follicle to a beam of laser light, thereby detruising it. The first scientific article on the procedure was published in 1998 by a team of researchers from the Massachusetts General Hospital. Today, epilation au laser is mainly practiced in clinics, but it is also possible to carry out the procedure at home with an acus device.

appareils d’epilation à la lumiere pulsee

The appareils d’epilations à la lumiere pulsee work by targeting the growth phase of the poil. This device generates a strong pulse of light, which focuses along the tige pilaire. As a result, the impacted hair is detruite, while the skin surrounding the hair remains unchanged. The appareils d’epilation à la lumiere pulsee are safe and compact, and they produce the hairless appearance you’re looking for.


A wide array of epilation technology is available these days. However, it is not always easy to choose the right epilation device. In some cases, the use of lasers or IPL is best. While there are pros and cons of each type of epilation device, the goal is the same: to remove unwanted hair without pain. Fortunately, there are some epilation devices that work quite well at home. Below is a brief description of each type and its benefits.

Ruby epilation laser

The Ruby epilation laser has been used to treat hair removal for many years. However, it is not suitable for everyone. This method of hair removal is more time-consuming than newer methods, especially for people with fair skin. The newest type of laser is the Diode laser, which is suitable for people with fair to medium skin tones. It uses a longer wavelength of light to treat hair follicles, which minimizes the chance of skin damage. In addition, the Diode laser uses a high repetition rate to treat hair.

Types of Apparel Pour Epilation Laser

Types of Apparel Pour Epilation Laser

IPL entrains the chute of poil

IPL is a type of phototherapy that produces high-energy pulses of polychromatic light. It works by selectively targeting the small blood vessels in the skin. The light energy is absorbed by haemoglobin and transforms into heat. It eliminates the abnormal small blood vessels located in the lids and meibomian glands, as well as inflammatory mediators. This therapy improves the appearance and feel of the skin.

Multiple sessions required

Hair removal with a laser is a permanent procedure, but multiple sessions are required. While the procedure is effective on most hair colors and skin tones, blonde and gray hair tend to be harder to remove. Although laser treatments can minimize hair growth and reduce regrowth, they do not completely prevent it. During multiple sessions, you can expect to notice a significant reduction in hair growth. Depending on your desired outcome, the process may require several treatments.

Retouches often required

The results of laser hair removal can be impressive, but retouches often occur. It is important to plan for these sessions well in advance and communicate any changes to your skin tone with your laser technician. You should also inform your technician about any recent changes in your general health, such as medications that cause skin to become photosensitive. Retouches often require more than one session. You should also schedule your touch-ups well in advance of planned outdoor activities.


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